Wednesday, July 22, 2009

friends, life and dinosaurs eating pop rocks

Over the last couple of weeks, a lot of events in my life have made me feel like im on a constant roller coaster. It's strange how your you can actually reach inside to your brain, not literally but mentally. You can grab so many things. Lately I've had days where they're amazing, or days that aren't. They only thing that is making me smile is the people who i care about alot, who treat me with respect, just being there helps me alot. Friends are the best thing you could ask for. You can't ask for a family, you've already got one, tough luck! You can't choose family but you can your friends!
You can't ask for world peace, you can't ask for lots of things. One thing you can always ask for is a friend. They will help you, guide you, make you feel special and project an extreme happiness in your state of mind.
Who's to say that money buys happiness? Your living in a false reality. Learn to actually live, learn it! You can only hope for better days and be as positive as you can, if you stay positive, hang around positive people. You will achieve something.
Positive friends are the ones i need most. If your not positive and hopeful, I don't want a bar of your bullshit soap!

To my friends, you are the best to me, you are my world to me.
Never change, be you.


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