Thursday, July 30, 2009

Gun Store Wednesdays

So today, I went to Maylands gun store to see how i could get a gun.
He said I could get a riffle, a shot gun and something else. I've forgotten what the other was. Anyhow, I asked for an AK-47 and he said NO! Hahah. The man in the store told me exactly how i could go about getting a gun and went on for ages. Did he really think I was being serious? Strange character he was. Maylands has a lot of strange character figures, the old lady who picks up food scraps from other peoples plates once they've just left and then hides the "evidence" in a napkin. She did it on the sly, smart lady but just really odd.
After the gun store I went to the Scotsman and had a tonne of fun, then followed by
timezone where I cheated on some of the games to get lots of tickets so I could get useless toys and junk that I seem to treasure more than anyone! I ended up winning over 400 tickets and traded them in for a really bad imitation of barrel of monkeys, a skeleton that grows
in water, temporary tattoos, a key ring shaped of the bottom jaw with teeth on it and a treasure box with a dinosaur skeleton toy inside!

The day sure was interesting.


  1. There used to be this piercing parlour in Maylands called House of Subversion that sold all this fetish gear and shit as well. It was another strange Maylands occurance.

  2. Just those missed calls all the time eshay adlay.
